When I was working at Isobar I participated on Future Faces. This is a global competition between designers from Isobar in creating a marketing piece in where they can helping to recruit people to come and work for Isobar and become the Future face of the company.
My idea with these pieces was to create a face combined with all kinds of creative departments. It’s a poster I’ve drawn by hand piece by piece. Department by Department. Later on, I’ve retouched and edited it on Photoshop with the right elements to get this poster like it is now.
This was a great project in where I was able to commit fully as a designer and in where I was able to start from the brainstorming process towards the actual end product. In the end, I did not win and became second but my poster was used online and offline by a couple of offices globally.
ClientIsobarServicesArt Direction, Design, ConceptYear2016